Bunbury Music Festival w/Danielle |
Sometimes it takes looking back through pictures to remember just how great life has been. I was scanning through a bunch of photos I was transferring from my phone to my computer and a thought struck me. Lately, I have been feeling like life has been at a bit of a standstill; that nothing new or exciting has really happened. Almost two years ago, I took the plunge and moved to Chicago...not knowing what would await me once I arrived. There were so many new experiences and challenges to face all at once. New apartment, new job, new church, new friends, new neighbors, cafes, favorite restaurants, faces, sounds...it was a lot to take in. At times, it was overwhelming. But mostly, it was exhilerating. I felt so alive. My adrenaline was at a constant high. I was traveling all across the country for my job and I was suddenly singing on a worship team with Dove award-winning artists. It all felt a little surreal. Now, almost two years later, things have slowed down. I'm not really traveling for my job anymore. Still not dating anyone special. I've moved into my second neighborhood in the city. Life is feeling pretty routine. But then I started looking through these photos and I was quickly reminded that I am incredibly blessed. I have a WONDERFUL family, amazing friends, both old and new, a stable job (I hope!) and have been offered so many fantastic opportunities with the worship team at Harvest. I am blessed, no doubt about it. And these pictures are living proof of how great life has been this past year or so.
Becoming friends with Tara over the
last year has been one of the most rewarding
& gratifying things to happen since
moving to Chicago. I value our friendship & the
wonderful memories we've already made. |
Vertical Church Band photo shoot for the new album. What a fun day
that was & so exciting to get to be a part of the VCB recording. |
One of the BEST things about
Danielle turning 21 has been all
of the concerts we get to attend
together. This was a quick snapshot
from the bathroom at Schubas when
we went to see Andrew Belle. Such a
FUN night!! |
The Lone Bellow has quickly become one of my FAVORITE bands!
I have had the priviledge of seeing them twice this year and both
shows were so unforgettable. |
This year, I had the pleasure of meeting the
newest "Merle Girl" & baby of Margaret and Vince.
Victoria Hope entered the world bringing w/her
hope & comfort during a difficult time for her Daddy,
who said goodbye to his mom the same day he welcome his
daughter into the world.She's the sweetest & is
starting to look like her big sis Emma. |
This year wouldn't be complete without a
trip to see the fam in Minnesota. It was
so much fun surprising the kids and
seeing Samuel & Serenity perform in
Disney's My Son Pinnochio. I was incredibly proud
& beaming with joy. And it was extra
special to have some hang time with
my little brother that I miss so much!
Summertime hangs & Fourth of July fun at
North Ave beach with great friends...Tara, Shawn &
Charlotte, Jess, AJ & Silvy and new friends
Cait & Brett. What a fun filled day! |
My dad, the trooper! Here he is, just one day
after knee replacement surgery, and already
getting it done at group therapy. So proud of
his discipline. And proud of my amazing
mom who takes such good care of my
dad. |
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